Animated NFTs that Grow & Age
Watch as your SeaSaltie & changes in fluid non-stop animation over 7 years

Truely Beautiful & Unique
SeaSalties are loveable, one of a kind NFTs built on the Ethereum blockchain that start life as eggs and hatch into one of 6 possible adorable baby sea creatures.
Your baby SeaSaltie starts growing from birth, changing every day in a completly fluid animation. Be amazed at the transformation as your SeaSaltie goes through it's entire life from birth to old age.
SeaSalties live anywhere between 7 and 10 years old. When Your SeaSalty dies, your NFT changes into a cherishable animated photo album of your SeaSaltie's life.
After enjoying the photo album stage, you can reset your SeaSaltie back to an egg for resale and the lifecycle starts again, or you can reset it to a particular stage of it's life from the photo album.

Follow your SeaSaltie Through Every Stage of their Lives

Your SeaSaltie journey starts with an egg. Just like in real life, you don’t know what it will look like until it hatches!

All SeaSalties hatch at different rates, but approximately 60 days after you mint your SeaSaltie, it will emerge!

Your loveable SeaSaltie emerges into an amazing animated underwater world! Admire your baby SeaSaltie in their dazzling animated underwater world!

Growing & Ageing
Your SeaSalty is constantly changing in fluid, non-stop animation, you may hardly ever notice! Check in on your SeaSalty to see how they have changed!

SeaSalties age at different rate, but they will be around for at least 7 years in this form, and can live as long as 10 years. Take care of your elderly SeaSaltie.

On your SeaSaltie’s passing, the scene changes into an animated photo album of your SeaSaltie’s beautiful life. We take a photo on their birthday for you, and you can take other

Once you have enjoyed the photo album, you have a few reset options to choose from. You can reset it back to an egg to resell, or go back in time to another stage of life! More about this in the FAQs

Once you have enjoyed the photo album, you have a few reset options to choose from. You can reset it back to an egg to resell, or go back in time to another stage of life! More about this in the FAQs

10,000 SeaSalties, 6 Possible Species,
All-Sorts of Beautiful Attributes

Turtle Shell Coloring & Pattern
Our turtle come in a variety of different shell patterns and colors.

Turtle Shell Coloring & Pattern
Our SeaSalties come in a variety of different patterns and colors.

Turtle Shell Coloring & Pattern
Our SeaSalties come in a variety of different patterns and colors.
SeaSaltie Pre-Mint Happening Now.
Secure Your’s Today!
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Some Info about Game
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Egestas leo massa nibh blandit consectetur consequat morbi. Augue magnis netus leo fringilla amet sit consectetur sed. Augue dolor convallis ac scelerisque id pretium donec. Neque, tellus pulvinar egestas sem congue tristique fames.
Lacus, egestas platea volutpat lobortis placerat consequat maecenas arcu egestas. Dignissim sem pulvinar enim, nibh varius magna enim velit. Commodo viverra condimentum praesent blandit volutpat aliquet viverra.
Answers for most popular questions
I bought Turtle from OpenSea and it is 2 years old. Can I reset it back to an egg and start again?
I bought Turtle from OpenSea and it is 2 years old. Can I reset it back to an egg and start again?
How much does it cost to create an NFT?
Are Ethereum gas fees always so high?
I am new to NFTs. Where can I learn about them?